Lyoto Machida Interview on his loss to Shogun - 05/14/10

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What did you think went wrong with your strategy?

I think Shogun’s strategy fitted well at that moment, but I was very well trained. People sometimes try to find excuses, but for me there were none. I was well trained, focused, I dedicated myself to four months for this fight and unfortunately it did not play out as I intended. There’s no excuse, it was Shogun’s fight, he was better than me that night.
Do you think your mistake was in being more aggressive instead of counter attacking?

No... I’ve watched the fight a few times now and I stuck to my game plan, but Shogun, for being the challenger, was imposing and perhaps wanted to finish [the fight] more than me. I also wanted to finish the fight fast. In no moment did I expose myself in a displeasing manner, but it’s a fight, his punch connected. At that moment he was better, but that’s okay. The most important thing is how I’m feeling right now, prepared and renovated for new challenges.
One of the criticism that came after the fight was the lack of big names for sparring...
People talk too much and in many occasions want to help, but those who were at my side saw all the dedication and difficulties [that I went through]… Perhaps if my punch was the one that connected everyone would be saying the contrary, that my preparation was good, but that’s a personal matter for my team to analyze, more so because we had big results in big fights. It’s not that there was a mistake, everyone is open to make mistakes. We have to fix [the error] and always grow.
In regards to your weight class, Shogun’s next opponent for the belt should be the winner of the Quinton Jackson/Rashad Evans fight in UFC 114. How do you think that fight will play out?

It’s a difficult fight, they have similar styles, both of them likes boxing and take downs, so it’s hard to say. Perhaps Rampage’s experience will have more weight…
How do you think a rematch between Shogun and Rampage would play out today?

I think Rampage is going to be a tough opponent for Shogun, it’s going to be a tough rematch for sure. But I don’t know, Rampage also stopped training for a while because of his commitments with the movie industry, let’s wait and see how he’ll come back for this fight [with Rashad] and then we can make a conclusion.
Feel free to send a message for your fans...

I want to thank all my fans, specially my fans from ParĂ¡, a very warm people. They supported me when I arrived at the airport, there was a bunch of people waiting for me and yelling my name regardless of the loss. I also wanted to say that this is a sport, and the loss is part of the game, the important thing is how we rebound [from it]. Win or lose, it happens, but how am I going to restore myself now in the challenges that are to come? This can be bad right now, it can be bitter to swallow, but it will [have a] positive [influence] in the future for sure.
This interview has helped me think back on what it was that landed me where I am in life at the moment. I don't take loss well. I stew, analyze and in general, remain inert. Well my inertia has lasted too many years and this interview has inspired me to make a greater effort at making my own personal comeback.  


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